产品: Tubulin beta 抗体
货号: T0034
描述: Mouse monoclonal antibody to Tubulin beta
反应: Zebrafish
分子量: 55 KD; 50kD(Calculated).
蛋白号: P07437
RRID: AB_2839425


   规格 价格 库存
 50ul RMB¥ 450 现货
 100ul RMB¥ 750 现货
 200ul RMB¥ 1000 现货

货期: 当天发货



WB 1:3000-1:10000
*The optimal dilutions should be determined by the end user.

WB: 适用于变性蛋白样本的免疫印迹检测. IHC: 适用于组织样本的石蜡(IHC-p)或冰冻(IHC-f)切片样本的免疫组化/荧光检测. IF/ICC: 适用于细胞样本的荧光检测. ELISA(peptide): 适用于抗原肽的ELISA检测.

Monoclonal [F301]
Theβ-tubulin antibody can detects Zebrafish endogenousβ-tubulin protein.
引用格式: Affinity Biosciences Cat# T0034, RRID:AB_2839425.
affinity purification.
PBS, pH 7.4, containing 0.02% sodium azide as Preservative and 50% Glycerol.Store at -20°C. Do not aliquot the antibody. Store at -20 °C. Stable for 12 months from date of receipt.


TUBB, Beta Tubulin, Beta 5-tubulin, Beta-4 tubulin, Beta1-tubulin, M40, Tubulin beta-5 chain, Beta Ib tubulin, Class I beta-tubulin, OK/SW-cl.56, TUBB5, Tubulin beta chain, Tubulin beta polypeptide, Tubulin beta-1 chain, Tubulin, beta class I, Tubuli ...




P07437 TBB5_HUMAN:

Ubiquitously expressed with highest levels in spleen, thymus and immature brain.

Microtubules are constituent parts of the mitotic apparatus, cilia, flagella, and elements of the cytoskeleton. They consist principally of 2 soluble proteins, alpha- and beta-tubulin, each of about 55,000 Da. Antibodies against beta Tubulin are useful as loading controls for Western Blotting. However it should be noted that levels of β-Tubulin may not be stable in certain cells. For example, expression of β-Tubulin in adipose tissue is very low and therefore β-Tubulin should not be used as loading control for these tissues.

翻译修饰 - P07437 作为底物

Site PTM Type Enzyme
R2 Methylation
C12 S-Nitrosylation
K19 Acetylation
K19 Methylation
K19 Ubiquitination
S25 Phosphorylation
T33 Phosphorylation
T35 Phosphorylation
Y36 Phosphorylation
S40 Phosphorylation
R46 Methylation
S48 Phosphorylation
Y50 Phosphorylation
Y51 Phosphorylation
T55 Phosphorylation
K58 Acetylation
K58 Methylation
K58 Sumoylation
K58 Ubiquitination
Y59 Phosphorylation
T72 Phosphorylation
S75 Phosphorylation
S78 Phosphorylation
S95 Phosphorylation
K103 Acetylation
K103 Sumoylation
K103 Ubiquitination
Y106 Phosphorylation
T107 Phosphorylation
S115 Phosphorylation
K122 Ubiquitination
S126 Phosphorylation
T136 Phosphorylation
S138 Phosphorylation
T143 Phosphorylation
S145 Phosphorylation
T149 Phosphorylation
S153 Phosphorylation
K154 Ubiquitination
Y159 Phosphorylation
R162 Methylation
T166 Phosphorylation
S168 Phosphorylation
S172 Phosphorylation
K174 Ubiquitination
Y183 Phosphorylation
T196 Phosphorylation
T199 Phosphorylation
Y200 Phosphorylation
Y208 Phosphorylation
K216 Ubiquitination
T218 Phosphorylation
T219 Phosphorylation
T221 Phosphorylation
Y222 Phosphorylation
S234 Phosphorylation
C239 S-Nitrosylation
K252 Sumoylation
K252 Ubiquitination
T274 Phosphorylation
S275 Phosphorylation Q5TCY1 (TTBK1)
R276 Methylation
S278 Phosphorylation
Y281 Phosphorylation
T285 Phosphorylation
T290 Phosphorylation
K297 Ubiquitination
C303 S-Nitrosylation
Y310 Phosphorylation
T312 Phosphorylation
R318 Methylation
S322 Phosphorylation
K324 Acetylation
K324 Sumoylation
K324 Ubiquitination
K336 Acetylation
K336 Ubiquitination
S338 Phosphorylation
S339 Phosphorylation
Y340 Phosphorylation
K350 Sumoylation
K350 Ubiquitination
T351 Phosphorylation
K362 Ubiquitination
T366 Phosphorylation
S371 Phosphorylation
K379 Acetylation
K379 Ubiquitination
S382 Phosphorylation
T386 Phosphorylation
K392 Ubiquitination
T399 Phosphorylation
Y422 Phosphorylation
Y425 Phosphorylation
T429 Phosphorylation



Tubulin is the major constituent of microtubules. It binds two moles of GTP, one at an exchangeable site on the beta chain and one at a non-exchangeable site on the alpha chain.


Some glutamate residues at the C-terminus are polyglutamylated, resulting in polyglutamate chains on the gamma-carboxyl group. Polyglutamylation plays a key role in microtubule severing by spastin (SPAST). SPAST preferentially recognizes and acts on microtubules decorated with short polyglutamate tails: severing activity by SPAST increases as the number of glutamates per tubulin rises from one to eight, but decreases beyond this glutamylation threshold.

Some glutamate residues at the C-terminus are monoglycylated but not polyglycylated due to the absence of functional TTLL10 in human. Monoglycylation is mainly limited to tubulin incorporated into axonemes (cilia and flagella). Both polyglutamylation and monoglycylation can coexist on the same protein on adjacent residues, and lowering glycylation levels increases polyglutamylation, and reciprocally. The precise function of monoglycylation is still unclear (Probable).

Phosphorylated on Ser-172 by CDK1 during the cell cycle, from metaphase to telophase, but not in interphase. This phosphorylation inhibits tubulin incorporation into microtubules.



Extracellular region or secreted Cytosol Plasma membrane Cytoskeleton Lysosome Endosome Peroxisome ER Golgi apparatus Nucleus Mitochondrion Manual annotation Automatic computational assertionSubcellular location

Ubiquitously expressed with highest levels in spleen, thymus and immature brain.


Heterodimer of alpha and beta chains. A typical microtubule is a hollow water-filled tube with an outer diameter of 25 nm and an inner diameter of 15 nM. Alpha-beta heterodimers associate head-to-tail to form protofilaments running lengthwise along the microtubule wall with the beta-tubulin subunit facing the microtubule plus end conferring a structural polarity. Microtubules usually have 13 protofilaments but different protofilament numbers can be found in some organisms and specialized cells. Interacts with PIFO. Interacts with DIAPH1. Interacts with MX1 (By similarity). May interact with RNABP10 (By similarity). Interacts with CFAP157 (By similarity).


The highly acidic C-terminal region may bind cations such as calcium.

Belongs to the tubulin family.


· Cellular Processes > Transport and catabolism > Phagosome.   (View pathway)

· Cellular Processes > Cellular community - eukaryotes > Gap junction.   (View pathway)

· Human Diseases > Infectious diseases: Bacterial > Pathogenic Escherichia coli infection.


1). An EGFP Knock-in Zebrafish Experimental Model Used in Evaluation of the Amantadine Drug Safety During Early Cardiogenesis. Frontiers in Cardiovascular Medicine, 2022 (PubMed: 35449877) [IF=3.6]

Application: WB    Species: Fish    Sample: vmhcKI–EGFP KI fish line

FIGURE 2 Enhanced green fluorescent protein in the vmhcKI–EGFP zebrafish KI line recapitulates endogenous expression patterns of the vmhc gene. (A) EGFP patterns in the vmhcKI–EGFP KI fish line from 16 to 18 somite stage (SS) to 48 hpf. Scale bar, 100 μm. White arrows point to specific patterns of the EGFP signal. (B) Endogenous expression patterns of the vmhc gene from 16 to 18 somite stage (SS) to 48 hpf revealed by WISH. Black arrows point to the specific expression pattern of vmhc endogenous transcripts. The dotted line outlines the shape of the atrium. Scale bar, 100 μm. (C) Western blotting and quantification analysis of the Vmhc protein expression in the vmhcKI–EGFP KI fish line compared to wild-type (WT) control. N = 4. Unpaired 2-tailed Student’s t-test. V, ventricle. A, atrium.


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