产品: 磷酸化 c-Fos (Thr232) 抗体
货号: AF3755
描述: Rabbit polyclonal antibody to Phospho-c-Fos (Thr232)
应用: IHC
反应: Human, Mouse, Rat
分子量: 41kD(Calculated).
蛋白号: P01100
RRID: AB_2847069


   规格 价格 库存
 100ul RMB¥ 2800 现货
 200ul RMB¥ 3800 现货

货期: 当天发货



IHC 1:50-1:200
*The optimal dilutions should be determined by the end user.

WB: 适用于变性蛋白样本的免疫印迹检测. IHC: 适用于组织样本的石蜡(IHC-p)或冰冻(IHC-f)切片样本的免疫组化/荧光检测. IF/ICC: 适用于细胞样本的荧光检测. ELISA(peptide): 适用于抗原肽的ELISA检测.

Phospho-c-Fos (Thr232) Antibody detects endogenous levels of c-Fos only when phosphorylated at Thr232.
引用格式: Affinity Biosciences Cat# AF3755, RRID:AB_2847069.
The antibody is from purified rabbit serum by affinity purification via sequential chromatography on phospho-peptide and non-phospho-peptide affinity columns.
Rabbit IgG in phosphate buffered saline , pH 7.4, 150mM NaCl, 0.02% sodium azide and 50% glycerol. Store at -20 °C. Stable for 12 months from date of receipt.


Activator protein 1; AP 1; C FOS; Cellular oncogene c fos; Cellular oncogene fos; FBJ murine osteosarcoma viral (v fos) oncogene homolog (oncogene FOS); FBJ murine osteosarcoma viral oncogene homolog; FBJ murine osteosarcoma viral v fos oncogene homolog; FBJ Osteosarcoma Virus; FOS; FOS protein; FOS_HUMAN; G0 G1 switch regulatory protein 7; G0/G1 switch regulatory protein 7; G0S7; Oncogene FOS; p55; proto oncogene c Fos; Proto oncogene protein c fos; Proto-oncogene c-Fos; v fos FBJ murine osteosarcoma viral oncogene homolog;



A synthesized peptide derived from human c-Fos around the phosphorylation site of Thr232.


翻译修饰 - P01100 作为底物

Site PTM Type Enzyme
Y10 Phosphorylation
Y30 Phosphorylation
S32 Phosphorylation Q13164 (MAPK7)
S70 Phosphorylation
K113 Sumoylation
K113 Ubiquitination
T114 Phosphorylation
T116 Phosphorylation
K128 Sumoylation
S133 Phosphorylation
K139 Sumoylation
K176 Sumoylation
K188 Ubiquitination
T232 Phosphorylation Q13164 (MAPK7) , P27361 (MAPK3) , P28482 (MAPK1)
S258 Phosphorylation
S261 Phosphorylation
K265 Sumoylation
S278 Phosphorylation
S308 Phosphorylation O14920 (IKBKB)
T325 Phosphorylation P27361 (MAPK3) , P28482 (MAPK1)
T331 Phosphorylation P28482 (MAPK1) , P27361 (MAPK3)
S362 Phosphorylation O75676 (RPS6KA4) , Q15418 (RPS6KA1)
S363 Phosphorylation
S374 Phosphorylation P28482 (MAPK1) , P27361 (MAPK3)
T376 Phosphorylation



Nuclear phosphoprotein which forms a tight but non-covalently linked complex with the JUN/AP-1 transcription factor. In the heterodimer, FOS and JUN/AP-1 basic regions each seems to interact with symmetrical DNA half sites. On TGF-beta activation, forms a multimeric SMAD3/SMAD4/JUN/FOS complex at the AP1/SMAD-binding site to regulate TGF-beta-mediated signaling. Has a critical function in regulating the development of cells destined to form and maintain the skeleton. It is thought to have an important role in signal transduction, cell proliferation and differentiation. In growing cells, activates phospholipid synthesis, possibly by activating CDS1 and PI4K2A. This activity requires Tyr-dephosphorylation and association with the endoplasmic reticulum.


Phosphorylated in the C-terminal upon stimulation by nerve growth factor (NGF) and epidermal growth factor (EGF). Phosphorylated, in vitro, by MAPK and RSK1. Phosphorylation on both Ser-362 and Ser-374 by MAPK1/2 and RSK1/2 leads to protein stabilization with phosphorylation on Ser-374 being the major site for protein stabilization on NGF stimulation. Phosphorylation on Ser-362 and Ser-374 primes further phosphorylations on Thr-325 and Thr-331 through promoting docking of MAPK to the DEF domain. Phosphorylation on Thr-232, induced by HA-RAS, activates the transcriptional activity and antagonizes sumoylation. Phosphorylation on Ser-362 by RSK2 in osteoblasts contributes to osteoblast transformation (By similarity).

Constitutively sumoylated with SUMO1, SUMO2 and SUMO3. Desumoylated by SENP2. Sumoylation requires heterodimerization with JUN and is enhanced by mitogen stimulation. Sumoylation inhibits the AP-1 transcriptional activity and is, itself, inhibited by Ras-activated phosphorylation on Thr-232.

In quiescent cells, the small amount of FOS present is phosphorylated at Tyr-10 and Tyr-30 by SRC. This Tyr-phosphorylated form is cytosolic. In growing cells, dephosphorylated by PTPN2. Dephosphorylation leads to the association with endoplasmic reticulum membranes and activation of phospholipid synthesis.


Nucleus. Endoplasmic reticulum. Cytoplasm>Cytosol.
Note: In quiescent cells, present in very small amounts in the cytosol. Following induction of cell growth, first localizes to the endoplasmic reticulum and only later to the nucleus. Localization at the endoplasmic reticulum requires dephosphorylation at Tyr-10 and Tyr-30.

Extracellular region or secreted Cytosol Plasma membrane Cytoskeleton Lysosome Endosome Peroxisome ER Golgi apparatus Nucleus Mitochondrion Manual annotation Automatic computational assertionSubcellular location

Heterodimer; with JUN (By similarity). Interacts with MAFB (By similarity). Component of the SMAD3/SMAD4/JUN/FOS complex required for synergistic TGF-beta-mediated transcription at the AP1 promoter site. Interacts with SMAD3; the interaction is weak even on TGF-beta activation. Interacts with MAFB. Interacts with DSIPI; this interaction inhibits the binding of active AP1 to its target DNA. Interacts with CDS1 and PI4K2A (By similarity).


Belongs to the bZIP family. Fos subfamily.


· Cellular Processes > Cell growth and death > Apoptosis.   (View pathway)

· Environmental Information Processing > Signal transduction > MAPK signaling pathway.   (View pathway)

· Environmental Information Processing > Signal transduction > cAMP signaling pathway.   (View pathway)

· Environmental Information Processing > Signal transduction > TNF signaling pathway.   (View pathway)

· Human Diseases > Drug resistance: Antineoplastic > Endocrine resistance.

· Human Diseases > Substance dependence > Amphetamine addiction.

· Human Diseases > Infectious diseases: Bacterial > Salmonella infection.

· Human Diseases > Infectious diseases: Bacterial > Pertussis.

· Human Diseases > Infectious diseases: Parasitic > Leishmaniasis.

· Human Diseases > Infectious diseases: Parasitic > Chagas disease (American trypanosomiasis).

· Human Diseases > Infectious diseases: Viral > Hepatitis B.

· Human Diseases > Infectious diseases: Viral > HTLV-I infection.

· Human Diseases > Infectious diseases: Viral > Herpes simplex infection.

· Human Diseases > Cancers: Overview > Pathways in cancer.   (View pathway)

· Human Diseases > Cancers: Specific types > Colorectal cancer.   (View pathway)

· Human Diseases > Cancers: Specific types > Breast cancer.   (View pathway)

· Human Diseases > Cancers: Overview > Choline metabolism in cancer.   (View pathway)

· Human Diseases > Immune diseases > Rheumatoid arthritis.

· Organismal Systems > Development > Osteoclast differentiation.   (View pathway)

· Organismal Systems > Immune system > Toll-like receptor signaling pathway.   (View pathway)

· Organismal Systems > Immune system > IL-17 signaling pathway.   (View pathway)

· Organismal Systems > Immune system > Th1 and Th2 cell differentiation.   (View pathway)

· Organismal Systems > Immune system > Th17 cell differentiation.   (View pathway)

· Organismal Systems > Immune system > T cell receptor signaling pathway.   (View pathway)

· Organismal Systems > Immune system > B cell receptor signaling pathway.   (View pathway)

· Organismal Systems > Environmental adaptation > Circadian entrainment.

· Organismal Systems > Nervous system > Cholinergic synapse.

· Organismal Systems > Nervous system > Dopaminergic synapse.

· Organismal Systems > Endocrine system > Estrogen signaling pathway.   (View pathway)

· Organismal Systems > Endocrine system > Prolactin signaling pathway.   (View pathway)

· Organismal Systems > Endocrine system > Oxytocin signaling pathway.

· Organismal Systems > Endocrine system > Relaxin signaling pathway.


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